our monthly and Annually plans

2 users

2 Users
Install on multiple devices

Per Month

  • Use on 2 Devices
  • 8200+ Channels
  • TV Shows and Movies
  • Sports Packages
  • Local Channels
  • Pay Per View
  • International Channels
  • Enjoy all of your favorite channels in HD. Entertainment, Sports, Movies, Pay-per-view, 24/7 channels, DVR catch-up, multi-screen and more.
  • *Add Adult channels for additional fee
2 Users
Install on multiple devices


  • Use on 2 Devices
  • 8200+ Channels
  • TV Shows and Movies
  • Sports Packages
  • Local Channels
  • Pay Per View
  • International Channels
  • Enjoy all of your favorite channels in HD. Entertainment, Sports, Movies, Pay-per-view, 24/7 channels, DVR catch-up, multi-screen and more.
  • *Add Adult channels for additional fee

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